Git commands


Fri Apr 20 2018


Add, Commit, Pull, Push:

git status                               #Check status

# Add
git add file-name                        #Add a file to the staging area
git add -A                               #Add all new and changed files to the staging area
git add .                                #Adding all files changes in a directory

# Commit
git commit -m "commit message"           #Commit changes
git commit filename -m 'commit message'  #Add file and commit

# Pull
git pull                                 #Update local repository to the newest commit
git pull origin [branch name]  
git remote show origin                   #Show where 'origin' is pointing to and also tracked branches
git remote -v                            #Show where 'origin' is pointing to

# Push
git push origin [branch name]            #Push a branch to your remote repository
git push -u origin [branch name]         #Push changes to remote repository (and remember the branch)
git push                                 #Push changes to remote repository (remembered branch)
git push --all --tags origin             # Push all branches and tags


git branch
List branches (the asterisk denotes the current branch)
git branch -r

List remote branches

git branch -a                               #List all branches (local and remote)
git branch -r                               #List all branches (remote)

git branch [branch name]                    #Create a new branch

git checkout -b [branch name]               #Create a new branch and switch to it
git checkout [branch name]                  #Switch to a branch
git checkout -                              #Switch to the branch last checked out
git checkout -- [file-name]                 #Discard changes to a file


git merge origin <branch-A>                       # Merge remote 'branch-A' with current branch
git merge-base HEAD origin/master                 # Find the base commit between two branches
git merge <from-commit> <to-commit>               # Merge a range of commit (including two given commits)

Delete branch

git branch -d [branch name]                 #Delete a local branch.

git push origin --delete [branchName]       #Delete a remote branch
git branch origin :<branch-name>            #Delete a remote branch

//Delete a remote branch (old-name) and push a new local branch (new-branch).
git push origin :<old-name> <new-name>

Track a new branch.

git branch -u <remote/branch>


git checkout -                                 # Switch to the last branch you are
git checkout -b <branch-name>                  # Create & checkout to new branch
git checkout -b <branch> <remote/branch>       # Create a new branch from a remote branch history
git checkout <commit-hash>                     # Go to a specific commit
git checkout <branch-name>                     # Return to present state
git checkout -- <filename1> <filename2>        # Discard all changes of file1 and file2

Cherry Pick

git cherry-pick <commit-hash>                             # Copy a single commit to current branch
git cherry-pick <commit-hash> -X theirs                   # If conflicts occurs then accepts theirs
git cherry-pick --edit <commit-hash>                      # Pop-up a editor, then change the commit message.
git cherry-pick <hash> <hash>                             # pick multiple commits
git cherry-pick --signoff <commit-hash>                   # --signoff add current users name to commit message


git diff                                                  #See all (non-staged) changes done to a local repo
git diff --cached                                         # See all (staged) changes done to a local repo
git diff --stat origin/master                             #Check what the changes between the files you've committed and the live repo
git blame [filename]                                      #Show alteration history of a file with the name of the author
git blame [filename] -l                                   #Show alteration history of a file with the name of the author && SHA


git log                                                   #View changes
git log -p                                                #List of commits showing commit messages and changes
git log -S 'something'                                    #List of commits with the particular expression you are looking for
git log --author 'Author Name'                            #List of commits by author
git log --oneline                                         #Show a list of commits in a repository in a more summarised way
git log --since=yesterday                                 #Show a list of commits in a repository since yesterda
git log --grep "term" --author "name"                     #Shows log by author and searching for specific term inside the commit message
git shortlog -s --author 'Author Name'                    #Number of commits by author
git shortlog -s -n                                        #List of authors and commits to a repository sorted alphabetically
git shortlog -n --author 'Author Name'                    #This also shows the total number of commits by the author

Stashing files

git stash                                                 #Stash local changes
git stash save "this is your custom message"              #Stash local changes with a custom message
git stash apply                                           #Re-apply the changes you saved in your latest stash
git stash pop                                             #Apply the stash and then immediately drop it from your stack
git stash list                                            #List all stashes


git tag                                                   # show list of tag
git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "message"                            # give a tag to this commit
git push --tags                                           # push the tags to origin
git fetch --tags                                          # update local with remote tags

git tag -d <tag-name>                                     # delete a tag locally
git push origin :refs/tags/<tag-name>                     # delete a tag from remote

git tag --contains <commit>                               # list of tags contain a commit
git describe --exact-match <commit>                       # check if the commit contains tag(s)

git checkout <tag-name>


git config --global <your-name>                 # saved in (~/.gitconfig) file
git config --global <your-email>
git config --local <your-name>                  # saved in <repo>/.git/config
git config --local <your-email>
git config --list                                         # See full configuration of git
git config --list --show-origin                           # See full configuration with config file path

git config --global --unset credential.helper             # unset git credentials

sudo find / -type f -name .git-credentials                # `~/.git-credentials` or `~/.config/git/credentials` save the credentials
sudo find / -type f -name credentials

# for `windows` credential.helper = manager
git config --global credential.helper manager  
git credential-manager delete <url>                       # delete credential-manager 
Deepak Mishra

Deepak Mishra #JavaScript, #Node, #React #Angular, #jQuery, #HTML5, #CSS blog
